Monday, June 11, 2012

Dear Holly,

I hope you're enjoying your first say of summer school.... I'm... alive. Just Barely. But anyways, studying really is going well, and I feel relatively confident about tomorrow ;) I can't wait to enjoy summer with you. When you're not working. Or going to school. Or sleeping. ;)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Dear Holly;
You asked me many months ago if I knew what love was, if I knew what it meant to say "I love you", and if I understood why you didn't say it so easily. The answer to all three is no. No, I didn't know what love was. I didn't know what it truly meant to say "I love you", why you waited. And looking back, I'm surprised by just how little I knew. So, I'd like to say something. I love you, Holly. I'm not sure what that means, not quite yet. Some people seem to think that means we should sleep together within 7 days after it becomes "Facebook official." Others think it means 5 years before actually kissing, then engagement, marriage, etc. I don't know. What I DO know is that, with you, I don't care. For you, it's not about how long we're going to be together, and I never knew just how special that can be. It doesn't matter for us, because so long as you're my girlfriend, I know that you're going to stay that way. You love me for who I am, and you love me like my family does; for you, it's not something superficial, like a friendship to have good times. You actually CARE about me, and that makes you one of the best girlfriends ever. You make me feel so blessed, every time that I think about it. We could do literally anything and still have fun. It's not about hugs and kisses, not about who hangs out with who. The fact that I can't think of another real example of two people quite like us doesn't help. Who would have predicted this? ;) I'm glad we've decided to take our time and explored this relationship, and I look forward to making the bond between us even deeper as time passes. I'm writing this note to let you know that I'm just as clueless about how things go as I was 431 days ago. But that changes nothing. I still want to find out what love is, Holly, and I want you by my side when I do that. I want to face this adventure together, because I know that we can get through anything. You're a source of constant joy and support to me, when you surprise me with gifts, and when you spend time with me. I feel bad for the boyfriends who don't get to experience the simple pleasure of playing boardgames with their girlfriends. One of my favorite games is trying to find ways that make you smile, or laugh. You are so much more than I ever dreamed a girlfriend could be. So, Thank you, I guess. I look forward to cool days and summer nights spent just having fun, and forgetting about all that silly "love" business, which will come in it's own time. A year in college has come and gone, and I feel like our relationship has grown stronger than ever- even though it's a long distance one. So let's keep doing what we're doing, and forget about all that drama that everyone seems to associate with being in a relationship. Let's just have fun and BE together. If being in college has taught me nothing else, it's that spending time with loved ones is never overrated.

Forever Alone LVL : Mr BEAN

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dearest Holly;
I think of you pretty much from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep, and let me tell you, the only thing better than that feeling is when you're actually there, by my side.
